CBD Oil - CBD Capsules - CBD Vapes Made In The UK - Organic Fresh From EU Growers

Newest product to our range is the very popular CBD oil - Soft Gels and Vape juice.

Working closely with the EU growers of commercial hemp, we are able to select the best quality CBD raw materials for our UK production.

Over the past 2 years, CBD has been making headlines in all the international media, and now in huge demand for many reasons. Sales have grown 1000 fold since November 2017 and no sign of this slowing down.

We are finding that customers are buying our CBD oils every month, with 100% satisfaction. The only down side to CBD is the distinct taste, many find it difficult to get used to, we recommend to these clients, to take our UK made CBD soft gels, to save the taste problem.

Over the past months of production for retail and white label wholesale supplies, many people have asked for us to produce CBD Vape Juice, this went on sale in June 2018 and has a good following, you simply add a few drops to you vape juice or use 100% only our ready to use juices.



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