Offering you the best CBD Oil in the market from legal industrial hemp
CBD GOLD food and skin supplements are guaranteed to be at the high quality end of the market. Whether it’s oils for droppers, for capsules as well as for skincare products, the starting point is a totally sound European hemp cultivation process.
This includes thorough research in the optimal strains to use which has a direct correlation to the quality of the final product.
The next stage, using custom-made state-of-the-art cannabis extraction technology backed by years of great scientific expertise, guarantees top quality gold extracts rich in phytocannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. These are derived naturally from the whole plant.
Plus, you will not find any artificial additives and synthetics that could harm the effectiveness of the relevant supplements. CBD GOLD oils also contain valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that have beneficial effects on human health and additionally facilitate the absorption of cannabinoids.
You get all that, at the best prices!
The best CBD supplements for your health

Organic CBD
CBD GOLD products are 100% free of any synthetic or artificial ingredients. We test every product batch that we make to ensure that it meets the purity and quality standards that we demand.

Pharma Grade Quality
Daily production supervision by highly qualified scientists and engineers with decades of experience in analytical chemistry and food and pharma industries.

CO2 extraction
CBD GOLD use the most advanced supercritical Co2 extraction method available for extracting our oil, providing the highest quality, pure CBD oil.